thanks for smart setup.
first error report Error: There is another version of "TMS BIZ Core Library" installed in this machine. Please uninstall that version first and then re-run tms build.
i start delphi i remove package , i run tms.exe again but still same error.
i deleted files :
now uninstall seems OK
First success :)
[21:13:08] === Build Summary ===
[21:13:08] - TMS FlexCel Studio for VCL and FMX 7.19.1 -> FAILED.
[21:13:08] - Delphi 11 -> 3 INSTALLED OK, 2 FAILED.
[21:13:08] - win32intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:13:08] - win64intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:13:08] - android64 -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:13:08] - iosdevice64 -> FAILED.
[21:13:08] - linux64 -> FAILED.
[21:13:08] Build finished. Elapsed time: 00:04:08.0091622
tms.exe install tms.biz.*
D:\rg\b\TMS>tms install tms.biz.*
[21:14:19] Found tms.biz.aurelius: in repository
[21:14:19] Found tms.biz.bcl: in repository
[21:14:19] Found tms.biz.echo: in repository
[21:14:19] Found tms.biz.logging: in repository
[21:14:19] Found tms.biz.remotedb: in repository
[21:14:19] Found tms.biz.sparkle: in repository
[21:14:19] Found tms.biz.sphinx: in repository
[21:14:19] Found tms.biz.xdata: in repository
[21:14:20 - 12%] Downloaded tms.biz.echo_production_1.10.1.25.zip
[21:14:20 - 12%] Extracted tms.biz.echo_production_1.10.1.25.zip
[21:14:20 - 39%] Downloaded tms.biz.sparkle_production_3.25.0.1.zip
[21:14:20 - 49%] Extracted tms.biz.sparkle_production_3.25.0.1.zip
[21:14:20 - 58%] Downloaded tms.biz.xdata_production_5.13.0.1.zip
[21:14:20 - 61%] Downloaded tms.biz.aurelius_production_5.16.0.1.zip
[21:14:20 - 62%] Downloaded tms.biz.bcl_production_1.38.0.1.zip
[21:14:20 - 63%] Extracted tms.biz.bcl_production_1.38.0.1.zip
[21:14:20 - 63%] Extracted tms.biz.xdata_production_5.13.0.1.zip
[21:14:20 - 63%] Extracted tms.biz.aurelius_production_5.16.0.1.zip
[21:14:21 - 82%] Downloaded tms.biz.logging_production_2.7.0.1.zip
[21:14:21 - 90%] Downloaded tms.biz.remotedb_production_2.16.0.25.zip
[21:14:21 - 90%] Extracted tms.biz.logging_production_2.7.0.1.zip
[21:14:21 - 90%] Extracted tms.biz.remotedb_production_2.16.0.25.zip
[21:14:21 - 94%] Downloading tms.biz.sphinx_production_1.5.0.1.zip (53%)
[21:14:21 - 100%] Downloaded tms.biz.sphinx_production_1.5.0.1.zip
[21:14:21 - 100%] Extracted tms.biz.sphinx_production_1.5.0.1.zip
[21:14:21 - 100%] Download tasks finished
[21:14:21] Total: 800, Processed: 800
[21:14:21] === Fetch Summary ===
[21:14:21] - tms.biz.aurelius -> UPDATED
[21:14:21] - tms.biz.bcl -> UPDATED
[21:14:21] - tms.biz.echo -> UPDATED
[21:14:21] - tms.biz.logging -> UPDATED
[21:14:21] - tms.biz.remotedb -> UPDATED
[21:14:21] - tms.biz.sparkle -> UPDATED
[21:14:21] - tms.biz.sphinx -> UPDATED
[21:14:21] - tms.biz.xdata -> UPDATED
[21:14:21] Starting build...
[21:14:21] Configuration file: D:\rg\b\TMS\tms.config.yaml
[21:14:22] Loading project D:\rg\b\TMS\Products\tms.biz.aurelius\tmsbuild.yaml
[21:14:22] Loading project D:\rg\b\TMS\Products\tms.biz.bcl\tmsbuild.yaml
[21:14:22] Loading project D:\rg\b\TMS\Products\tms.biz.echo\tmsbuild.yaml
[21:14:22] Loading project D:\rg\b\TMS\Products\tms.biz.logging\tmsbuild.yaml
[21:14:22] Loading project D:\rg\b\TMS\Products\tms.biz.remotedb\tmsbuild.yaml
[21:14:22] Loading project D:\rg\b\TMS\Products\tms.biz.sparkle\tmsbuild.yaml
[21:14:22] Loading project D:\rg\b\TMS\Products\tms.biz.sphinx\tmsbuild.yaml
[21:14:22] Loading project D:\rg\b\TMS\Products\tms.biz.xdata\tmsbuild.yaml
[21:14:22] Loading project D:\rg\b\TMS\Products\tms.flexcel.vcl\tmsbuild.yaml
[21:14:22] Analyzing products...
[21:14:22] Ok
[21:14:22] Error: There is another version of "TMS BIZ Core Library" installed in this machine. Please uninstall that version first and then re-run tms build.
There were errors. If you need to contact support, please attach the logs at "D:\rg\b\TMS.tmssetup\logs\logs.zip".
i renamed and hide this:
now tms.exe install tms.biz.* started installing..
It has been fixed now. There was a misconfiguration in TMS BIZ products.
Please try to reinstall (or just call tms update
if you have already installed) and it should be fixed.
You should not need to tweak the Windows Registry anymore.
biz setup was headage.. now it seems so good
just i wonder why some packages installed for linux64 but some of them failed??
[21:27:12] --- Skipped IDEs ---
[21:27:12] Skipped Delphi 11, macos64arm because the SDKs are not available.
[21:27:12] Skipped Delphi 11, macos64intel because the SDKs are not available.
[21:27:12] Some platforms were skipped because the SDKs for them are not available.
[21:27:12] To compile for those platforms: Open Rad Studio, create a new Multi-Device application,
[21:27:12] set it to the platform you want, and deploy it. This will download the SDKs for the platform.
[21:27:12] === Build Summary ===
[21:27:12] - TMS BIZ Core Library -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - Delphi 11 -> 4 INSTALLED OK, 1 FAILED.
[21:27:12] - win32intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - win64intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - android64 -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - linux64 -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - iosdevice64 -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - TMS Aurelius -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - Delphi 11 -> 4 INSTALLED OK, 1 FAILED.
[21:27:12] - win32intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - win64intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - android64 -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - linux64 -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - iosdevice64 -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - TMS Sparkle -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - Delphi 11 -> 3 INSTALLED OK, 2 FAILED.
[21:27:12] - win32intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - win64intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - android64 -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - iosdevice64 -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - linux64 -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - TMS XData -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - Delphi 11 -> 3 INSTALLED OK, 2 FAILED.
[21:27:12] - win32intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - win64intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - android64 -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - iosdevice64 -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - linux64 -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - TMS Echo -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - Delphi 11 -> 3 INSTALLED OK, 2 FAILED.
[21:27:12] - win32intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - win64intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - android64 -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - iosdevice64 -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - linux64 -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - TMS Logging -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - Delphi 11 -> 4 INSTALLED OK, 1 FAILED.
[21:27:12] - win32intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - win64intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - android64 -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - linux64 -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - iosdevice64 -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - TMS RemoteDB -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - Delphi 11 -> 3 INSTALLED OK, 2 FAILED.
[21:27:12] - win32intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - win64intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - android64 -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - iosdevice64 -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - linux64 -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - TMS Sphinx -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - Delphi 11 -> 3 INSTALLED OK, 2 FAILED.
[21:27:12] - win32intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - win64intel -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - android64 -> INSTALLED OK.
[21:27:12] - iosdevice64 -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - linux64 -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - TMS FlexCel Studio for VCL and FMX 7.19.1 -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - Delphi 11 -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - iosdevice64 -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] - linux64 -> FAILED.
[21:27:12] Build finished. Elapsed time: 00:04:16.3180727
There were errors. If you need to contact support, please attach the logs at "D:\rg\b\TMS.tmssetup\logs\logs.zip".
biz setup was headage.. now it seems so good
Good to know.
just i wonder why some packages installed for linux64 but some of them failed??
Well, please send the log file mentioned at the end of the command-line output and then we can investigate what happened.
latest log
logs.zip (425.1 KB)
The FlexCel message is because it isn't finding zlib in linux. That could explain why some work and some fail: If the product doesn't require zlib, it will install. Otherwise it will fail.
Have you make sure to install zlib in the linux machine?
See FlexCel Linux Guide | FlexCel Studio for VCL and FireMonkey documentation
If you have zlib installed, well, then it is more complicated. There is a bug in Delphi that sometimes causes this (and you can find lots of discussions online, like this one: Issue Navigator - Embarcadero Technologies )
It would be interesting for us to know if you have zlib installed, because we think we found a way to workaround the bug and make it work anyway from tms build. "It works in my machine" but we are curious to see if our fix works in our customers machines too
i will check and update sdk and will try again. i will report result to you.
1 - i make a new linux sdk . clean and full. but still some packages can build for linux64 most of then fail.
2- after build and install even tms.exe report they are build and install succesfuly delphi ide can not load packages .
i uninstalled all tms packets , i deleted all dcp and bpl files.
i run tms.exe build
now 2 packets loaded in ide others still give same error
Just to confirm, besides refreshing the SDKs, you also installed zlib1g-dev and build-essential?:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
now it's OK .. building success for linux64. Thanks Adrian.
now.. still ide can not load packages..
About the loading of packages, I wonder if it could be caused by a path too long (or the bpl folder not being for some reason in the Windows path)
Can you type "environment" in the start menu, then edit environment variables, then check if the path to the bpls is there?
You might try also moving it to the top, or trying to cleanup the "system windows path", since I think that path is looked first. If the windows path grows too long, it just starts ignoring the entries at the end, and that could cause exactly the error you are seeing.
before i post , i already did
1-i checked path variable.
2-i cleaned invalid paths
3-i checked path is long so i moved tms paths up
4-i tried for sparkle this:
i copied 2 sparkle.dcp files to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\Dcp
i copied 2 sparkle.bpl files to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\bpl
and i copied reqired tmsbcl packages same way..
5-i tried build and install manualy in ide
and i noticed something;
tms.exe add paths but there are \\ 3-4-5 slash at the end of path .. i cleaned them..
interesting.. still can not load sparkle
4-i tried for sparkle this:
i copied 2 sparkle.dcp files to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\Dcp
i copied 2 sparkle.bpl files to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\bpl
and i copied required tmsbcl packages same way..
Don't do that. Never copy bpls, dcps or any other files here and there, otherwise we lose control of what's going on.
I think this topic got a little bit confusing as many things were tried, many problems were solved and new problems raised.
If you don't mind, I will close this topic as the solution for the original question was provided, and can you please create a new topic describing only the current state of issues you have, and a new log?
Before creating the new topic, please make sure you clean up your system, uninstall everything (with tms.exe this is very easy now), remove all the files you copied somewhere else, review the SDKs to make sure you imported everything as Adrian explained, reinstall again, and then create a new topic with the new log and your new findings and issues. Thank you.
i did these for try finding problem. Otherwise sure i don t want copy manuel or build and install manually. I did all try find problem.
And i will create a new topic. Thank you.