TDBAdvSmoothListBox refresh problem

Hi i use a TDBAdvSmoothListBox to show some records as a normal listbox but i have a strange behaiviour when show records. I've sent a mail (info@tmssoftware) with attached image that show the problem 


PS : But here i can't attach an image ?

Thank you for the screenshot.

Unfortunately we are unable to reproduce this in our demo. Did you swipe up/down when scrolling, or did you simply drag the mouse down/up? Can you try by turning off page mode with the PageMode := False?

Kind Regards, 

With pagemode solve but grid is not syncronized with dataset. 

Did you swipe up / down with the mouse?

Kind Regards, 



We have investigated this here but are not able to reproduce this, please send us a sample that is able to reproduce this with the exact steps to reproduce this.
Are you using the latest version of the TDBAdvSmoothComboBox?

Kind Regards, 