
Win 10/64b D11.1
I have a problem with that.
There is no help for that. The demo doesn't solve it...

If I do an Insert, I want to have the first item displayed/selected
How to make it happen?

From where are you doing the insert? On the datasource? On the listsource?
Are you referring to the first item of the dropdown? Do you mean its value should be displayed in the edit part?
The value in the edit part (and thus the selected item in the list) is the active record on the datasource dataset.

From where are you doing the insert? On the datasource? Yes.
On the listsource? No - it cannot change after all.
Are you referring to the first item of the dropdown? Yes.
Do you mean its value should be displayed in the edit part? Yes.

The value in the edit part (and thus the selected item in the list) is the active record on the datasource dataset.
I know it. In the case of Insert, it is a new empty record. Setting the value in the datasource dataset (TFDTable) will not be reflected.
I want to prevent a situation where the user forgets to select an item.

Can you explain how the settings work?
The length of the text is 25 characters. That's about 158 pixels.
I want to see:

  • entire text - in width
  • all items - there are 5 of them
    I don't want to have
    sliders/scroll bars there
    I try everything. For me it works totally nonsense and I can't find the display logic.
    Common sense tells me that the settings according to the images should produce the desired state. It's not like that.

Another problem
I have three TAdvDBLookupComboBoxes. They all have a DataSource on dsMembers. ListSource is always different. In last AcvLookupComboBox I set the Revolver item. Why do others react to it? After all, they have nothing to do with it.

1st problem with scroll bar. Setting Column AutoSize to True helped

I cannot reproduce a problem.
When I start from the TAdvDBLookupComboBox demo and execute the code

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
clientdataset1.FieldByName('CustNo').AsString := '1380';

This shows the correct value in the TAdvDBLookupComboBox

I have c:\Users\pc\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS VCL UI Pack\Demos\AdvDBLookupCombobox\ CARS.mdb in the demo. I don't see such data there. Is CustNo of type string? Or do I have to write it like this?
I don't use ClientDataset but FDTable + DataSource

This is the demo of TMS VCL UI Pack latest version under
TMS VCL UI Pack\Demo\AdvDBLookupCombobox\AdvDBLookupComboboxDatasourceDemo.dproj

Please compare with this demo and the code I showed.

Unfortunately it doesn't work.
What about the fact that I make a selection in one AdvDBLookupComboBox and the values in the other two change? This way it is unusable.
So far I have not encountered it.
Added to this is the fact that

  • I have an item selected
  • I will perform Post

error: the corresponding field in the table has no assigned value
I personally believe that all this is caused by a only same error.

I provided code to add to our demo to show it works.
I propose that if you still see somehow a problem, you give us instructions how exactly to modify the demo to see your issue.

Unfortunately, I have no idea what.
I decided to solve it with a simple ComboBox.
Let's wrap it up. I find the whole behavior very strange. In a significantly larger project, it is without error.