TAdvToolBarPager versus AntiAlias

I'm using the TAdvToolBarPager (v5.2.6.2) with different kind of ribbon styles. I'd like to set the antialias to 'aaNone'. When I do so, the unselected tabs are still in 'aaClearType'. You can see in the image that 'insert' is drawn in ClearType.

I'm using the following code to set the AntiAlias.

AdvOfficePager1->AntiAlias = aaNone;

What's wrong? Am I missing some settings? Thank you in advance for your help.

Is a limitation of the need to draw on glass.

Is it possible to draw the text by myself on Glass?

Or how to disable the Glass effect?

Chage the style to other than office2010...

Is this the only solution? I only need to drop the glass effect if the text is this ugly drawn. The 2010 themes are useless to me now. The 2007 themes are working properly but I need the Office 2010 look and feel. I pref my application in Blue, Silver and Black.

The text on the unselected tabs in MS Office 2010 are looking sharp.

This is it? No possible solutions?

Is there an option to copy the different theme colors from office 2010 styles and create my own or change the windows 7 style?

Thank you in advance for your response.

As explained, it is a small limitation of the need to draw on glass. We have not found any way so far to draw the text sharper on glass. The selected tab is not semi-transparent, so there is no glass transparency on the selected tab and as such, the issue is not happening on selected tabs.