TAdvToolbarPager appearance like TPageControl

Is it possible that the TAdvToolbarPager/TAdvPage components of the TMS Advanced Toolbars & Menus package appear like an ordinary TPageControl/TTabSheet, if VCL Styles are activated?

Not sure what exact appearance you're after and not sure why you'd use the TAdvToolBarPager than instead of the TAdvOfficePager if what you are after is a pagecontrol?

We have an existing application which uses the TAdvToolBarPager component and activated VCL Styles. There is now a customer request that the TAdvToolBarPager's tab appearance should be as similar as possible to that of a TPageControl's tab. In the meantime we found a solution by querying the colours from the activated VCL Style and assigning them to the TAdvToolBarOfficeStyler.TabAppearance properties.

Our TAdvToolBarPager does not support VCL styles directly. It focuses on Microsoft Office appearance and has built-in support to match different Office styles.