TAdvStringGrid and filtering hidden columns

I have a problem with filtering data in TAdvStringGrid. The example – grid has two
columns, one with name, the other with ID. Both columns are visible, I enter a
filter in the first column (Name), the data in the second column (ID) filter
according to the first. However, if I hide the ID column and enter a filter in the
Name column, the ID is incorrect. Data in the hidden columns are not filtered,
so when I retrieve the ID from the selected row I get incorrect data.

Grid with the data.

Both columns are visible, I enter the filter in
the first column and get ID – it  is

I'm hiding the ID column.

I enter the filter in the first column and get
ID - it is wrong - 1 instead of 3.

How to filter the data in hidden columns?

Can you use grid.SuppressColumn() to hide  the column instead of grid.HideColumn(), that should solve your issue.

Indeed this solution works well. Thank you so much for your help.