TAdvPageControl theme issue

I'm using XE7 with TMS controls version I am using VCL themes in the application and can not get the TAdvPageControl to inherit the current VCL theme. Every component on the TAdvPageControl (edit boxes, buttons, etc.) inherit the theme colors but not the background of the TAdvPageControl its self.

Any suggestions?



Sorry, the TMS TAdvPageControl is currently not yet VCL style-aware.

Thank you Bruno. Do you have an estimate when it will be?

Sorry, given the very high workload right now on several projects, I can at this time not really pin a date on this.


Has the TAdvPageControl become VCL style-aware yet?

Thank you,


Sorry, this was not looked at yet. In recent VCL developments, our new rich editor, spell check engine, pdf library, grid extensions, memo extensions got more user requests and therefore got priority. It remains on our todolist though.