TAdvOfficeCheckBox error in version


In last version of TMS Pack there is another error in TAdvOfficeCheckBox, but now more important.
From previous version, if ButtonVertAlign is tlCenter and text does not fit to control size, the text is moved to the top or down and it looks ugly. These two controls have ButtonVertAlign is tlCenter, but one of them is aligned to top and another is at the bottom:


That is why I had to change ButtonVertAlign to tlTop for many controls containing text, which can be wrapped.

From version text is not wrapped at all! Even if ButtonVertAlign is set tlTop. It is just cut! All the information is missed now!

Look at the control with long text and ButtonVertALign set to tlTop/tlCenter:


If we change ButtonVertALign set to tlBottom, the text appears again:


We fixed this regression. Next update will address this.

Thank you for the quick reply!