TAdvGlowButton ParentFont Issue

I have a number of TAdvGlowButtons in a TRzGroupBox in my app's main form with their ParentFont propertys' set to True. I've just noticed that these are reset to False when I close and re-open my app in the IDE ie, the ParentFont values don't 'stick'.

Using D11 Pro in W10 and TMSVCLUIPackSetupReg V10.6.9.0 installed.

Further investigation reveals that this may be a problem with either my app or D11. I'll get back to you on this.

Testing with TAdvGlowButtons on other forms shows the same problem; the ParentFont properties do not stick after an IDE re-start. So it would appear to be an issue with the component as far as I can see.

Please send a test project using TMS + standard Delphi components + instructions for reproducing this problem with the latest version of TMS VCL UI Pack.

Here it is.

ParentFont_Test.zip (91.8 KB)

I asked for a test project with TMS + standard Delphi components.
Upon opening of this project, I get an error that TRzGroupBox cannot be found.

Here is the project again without the TRzGroupBox , apologies:

ParentFont_Test.zip (91.5 KB)

Set AdvGlowButton.Appearance.SystemFont = false
ParentFont_Test.zip (90.1 KB)

As you advised, I set AdvGlowButton.Appearance.SystemFont = false on one of the buttons in the demo app you returned and set ParentFont=true, saved the changes and closed the IDE. On re-opening the IDE, the button's ParentFont was set back to False again. Also, when running the app prior to closing it, the font was clearly the button's original font size (9) and not the Form's larger font size (11) even though the design time font size was correctly shown as 11.

My Rad Studio version is 28.0.42600.6491 with all hotfixes applied. Are we running different IDE versions perhaps?

Further investigation reveals that ParentFont works normally in Delphi 10.4.2 but not in Delphi 11. If ParentFont is true, the property is not shown in the DFM file; it is only shown if the value is False - in both versions. So presumably it is considered 'true' if no 'false' value is seen in the DFM on startup, and this mechanism isn't working in D11 for the TAdvGlowButton component - at least in my D11 version.

We applied a fix for this. Next update will have this fix.