TAdvGDIPPicture problems

With TMS Component pack there is a strange behaviour with the TAdvGDIPPicture control.
Placing this control in a form when yo run the program, clicking inside the area of the control, the select image Dialog let the user select and load a new image on the control.
There is no way to stop this behaviour.
It seems that AllowSelectOnClick property should be the property which controls this, but whatever assigned value, true or false, the behaviour is the same.

How can i use this control to show an image programatically but not letting the user to select one.

I found that disabling the control it behaves like i want but, what is the purpose of AllowSelectOnClick property?

We've seen this problem and fixed it.
Next update of the component will address this. When AllowSelectOnClick = false, it will not start the dialog.

The AllowSelectOnClick work perfect in TMS CP, but if I click a AdvGDIPPicture, this will be unvisible.
The visible property stay false, after click, and the AdvGDIPPicture stay clickable, but i dont see the picture.

The AdvGDIPPicture's properties are default, only load a picture and strech=true,

I cannot reproduce a problem.
When AdvGDIPPicture.Visible = false, it will not react to the click (by design).
When AdvGDIPPicture.Visible = true and AllowSelectOnClick = true, a dialog will show to select a picture and after selection, it is displayed in the component.

Put a 

AdvGDIPPicture to the form.
Set picture.
Click the

The AdvGDIPPicture will be unvisible (by eye), but the visible property stay false, and the AdvGDIPPicture stay clickable again.

revise: visible property stay true, of course

It now became clear what the problem was and it is fixed.
The next update will address it.
