AdvGlowButton DownPicture

Before the introduction of DownPicture property, when a button was in Down state,

the image displayed was the Picture one.
After the introduction of DownPicture property, I would expect that if I put an image in DownPicture property, button will use it, otherwise it will use the Picture image as before, but it's not true,
now if no picture is assigned to DownPicture property, no image is displayed.

That's a problem because all my applications that have tons of buttons with Picture assigned,
now when user clic on a button, the down state is without image, and it's horrible to see.
Reassigning all new downpicture property to every button to avoid this issue is a lot of work.

There is no way to automatically use Picture property as DownPicture to keep compatibility with previous experience?


We've fixed this issue already.
The next update will address this. For an immediate solution, contact us by email to request an incremental source update.


when do you think update will be available?

An update has been released on 7 Feb: