TAdvFacebook Post Messages / permission


One year ago we have developed a Facebook App using TMS guideline, and it has worked fine until few days ago.

The problem is about "post" messages or images on a page.
Facebook App control panel, shows that "publish_actions" permission isn't now available.

I try to add "publish_actions" and "publish_pages" to .Scopes() before FaceBook login, but seems to ignore these request; just on my account (that probably recognise as developer ) it show that "publish.." scopes are not permitted but allow me to accept, so that it works fine.

What we have to do ? 
Thank you very much.
Fabrizio Colombini


Unfortunately due to recent changes in the Facebook API the "publish_actions" permission can no longer be enabled through the App Center Permissions.

It is now required that to go through the Facebook approval process to enable other accounts (outside of the developer account) to post using the API.
You can start the approval by going to the "Status & Review" tab on the Facebook App control panel. Then click the "Start a Submission" button and follow the instructions.

Thank you very much for your reply.

Just yesterday i have started a new submission requesting that.
This morning Facebook replies us that our procedure is not valid to enable this permission.

As you can see, it's very difficult to explain to Facebook App Center what our procedure do.... They consider some Platform, but not Windows executable platform...

How can we explain them ? Why not TMS do this ?

Fabrizio Colombini

We are aware that there is no option available for Windows applications in the Facebook developer console.

Note that the approval process was introduced after the creation of the TAdvFacebook component.

Unfortunately we have no control over the changes in the Facebook API or the approval process used by Facebook.

The approval is required for each Facebook App and is unrelated to the TAdvFacebook component. As such getting the permissions approved for the App is the responsibility of the user.