TAdvDropBox GetFolderInfo return error

Hi, we are trying TAdvDropBox and when the folder has small number of files, it works good. But when the folder has many files, GetFolderInfo will report error:

20131202T091429:HTTPS GET RESULT:{"error": "Folder contains more entries than file_limit (10000)"}

My questions:
1)From link https://www.dropbox.com/developers/core/docs#metadata, The max number is 25,000,
how can we change the file_limit  to 25,000?
2) If we have more than 25,000 files in one folder, how can we download them one by one ?



I'm not sure what we can do with the case of more than 25000 files as it appears to be a dropbox limitation. We'll check if there are alternatives.

Thanks Bruno,

Is there a API or setting we could use to change the file_limit from 10000 to bigger value, say 20000?

There is currently not a setting in our component for this.

We've added it on our todolist to add it, so it can be customized.

Next update will expose the property AdvDropBox.FileLimit

That will be good. Thanks Bruno.