TAdvDBDateTimePicker not the same after Delphi 10.2 -> 11.3 update

It's a bit of a weird problem here.
I updated my Delphi from 10.2 to 11.3.
Installed the newest TMS components - VCL UI Pack is on
I have several TAdvDBDateTimePicker connected to a UniDAC Dataset which is set to autoedit.
Some of the dates are set by default, some are null dates.
If I open the picker with a none empty date and chose a separate date, the dataset goes into edit mode.
If I do the same with an empty date, I have to do this twice because the first dropdown and click won't do anything.
NulldateFormat is set to "----------" like on Delphi 10.2.
But setting it to " " won't help either.
I tried forcing the dataset into edit mode onDropDown, but that let to "You must be in ShowCheckbox to set to this date".
Which I find not surprising, because it seems, that picker component still thinks it has an empty date/time. So this actually would be the expected behavior when setting a null date without having ShowCheckbox set. Which I don't have and don't want to.

Do you have any ideas what could be the problem?

If not, can I change the display format of TPlannerDBDatePicker to "DDDD, DD.MM.YYYY" like DateFormat=dtLong does in the TAdvDBDateTimePicker?
Although this would be my less favourite choice, because I would have to change quite some components in this project alone.

I do not have unidac installer here. I retested this here with an ADOTable and null date fields. I set NulldateFormat to ' ' but I could not reproduce an issue. When I do dropdown of the calendar and just pick a new date and perform post on the dataset, this changed date is picked.
Have you checked with a TClientDataSet or ADO table for example to check if this issue is really related to unidac? If this problem can also be reproduced with a standard TClientDataSet or ADO table, please send a source project with which we can reproduce this here.

I tried with a FDConnection, FDQuery and TDatasource now.
Nope, not working.
I have never used ClientDataset or ADO and even FireDAC s.cks compared to uniDAC.

Since I have no time to spend on this issue:
can I change the display format of TPlannerDBDatePicker to "DDDD, DD.MM.YYYY" like DateFormat=dtLong does in the TAdvDBDateTimePicker?

I tried TDBDateTimeEditEh (EhLib) also and it worked, but sadly does not support dtLong in any form either.

If you set FormatSettings.ShortDateFormat to DDDD, DD.MM.YYYY, TPlannerDBDatePicker will format the date this way.

Thank you for your suggestion, but this is a far too global solution, because it interferes with other parts of my application.