TAdvControlDropDown with panel control does not follow application's DPI

In a new project, drop in the form a tpanel with a Tlabel and a Tbutton inside.
After that drop in the form a Tlabel and a TAdvControlDropDown.
Assign to TAdvControlDropDown.control the Tpanel.
Run the application in windows machine (not through remote desktop) with 125% in scale and layout from Display Settings in windows Settings. Click the TAdvControlDropDown button to show the dropdown panel
You will notice the different DPI between form elements and dropdown elements
How the dropdown control elements will follow the dpi of the main application monitor?
Thank you in advance

Is this with the latest release?
I have retested this here with 125% DPI and 150% DPI, but I could not see an issue.

Yes, based on TMSSubscriptionManager I have the last version
Project with executable sent with email. Thank you

Tested in an other computer and it does not have problem.
I will check it again. Probably it is not TAdvControlDropDown fault

In a third computer I do not have the problem so it is not TAdvControlDropDown fault.
I apologize. I will check in more that one computers in future before reporting.
I noticed also that I should resize the control assigned to TAdvControlDropDown based on DPI of the client. Thank you again and apologies for the trouble

TAdvControlDropDown finally work ok. Only Thmlistbox inside a frame that acts as control in TAdvControlDropDown does not get correct size and caused me the problem.
A project that describes the problems and works everywhere was mailed to you
Thank you in advance

The issue with THTMListbox is fixed.
Your email was replied.

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