Support C++ 64bit for the upcoming XE4

Will TMS Software support C++ 64 bit for the upcoming XE4 at the same time it releases its products for XE4.

Or support for C++ 64 bits will be postponed to a later day …


If we can get this working in the XE4 release timeframe, we will.

I have the TMS 6.9.1 installed with XE4.< id="adlesse_unifier_magic_element_id" style="display:none;">

Is it possible with this version to compile a CPP 64 bit application ?

Unfortunately, not yet, there are some technical complications for C++ that we are still investigating/working on

Can you explain the issue in more detail, is the problem XE4 64 bit compiler based or tms code base ?< id="adlesse_unifier_magic_element_id" style="display:none;">

It was my understanding, which could be wrong, that if you have a 64 bit delphi BPL you should be able to create a static library that can be used under C++ 64 bit.

I can compile a 32 / 64 bit delphi program but only a 32 bit CPP, not the 64 bit CPP platform version which requires tmsdXE4.a etc.

Any information on when this may be available would be helpful for future development ?

One of the issues is to get the compiler to generate the tmsdxe4.a file

As I said, we are investigating this and a couple of other issues wrt C++ compilation.

Great, but could you let us know if it’s a TMS problem or a Clang/Embarcadero problem?

If it’s a TMS problem, you can solve it. We trust in you.  ;-)

If it’s an Clang/Embarcadero problem, then it’s a complete different story since, let’s says, C++ is not the biggest priority, and the TMS support to C++ 64 bit is going to postponed to XE5 or whatever.

Yes interesting along the same lines as Andre as the answer influences the direction of future project.< id="adlesse_unifier_magic_element_id" style="display:none;">

C++ feels like the poor cousin of Delphi at this time!

As soon as we pinned down the issues, we will inform.

Any progress on the C++ 64 bit support, it almost a month on from your last reply ?< id="adlesse_unifier_magic_element_id" style="display:none;">

From v6.9.2.0, we had adaptions that allows the packages of TMS Component Pack to be compiled in 64bit mode, also for C++Builder.

Thanks for the C++ 64 bit support.
Could you explain how to compile TMS for  C++ Builder XE4 64 bit.

Does the static library CBuilder project are available ?<!--if gte mso 9>
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Open the package files in the IDE, select 64bit target and compile.

It seems that the package I have is for a bpl; ex tmsdecxe4.cbproj.
The bpl packages does not allow to add a platform for a 64 bit version.
I thought I had to create a static lib tmsdecxe4.a ?

Just opened tmsdXE4.bpl added the win64 target.  Select compile and get the error :-< id="adlesse_unifier_magic_element_id" style="display:none;">

tmsdXE4.dpk(178): E2202 Required package 'bdertl' not found

This is with 6.9.3 version, fairly much the same error I got previously.

Hi John
I guess you opened tmsdXE4.dpk NOT tmsdXE4.bpl !! or what ?

I only have C++Builder not RadStudio so I cannot open dpk packages.
I try to create a 64 static lib but got the error:
[DCC Fatal Error] advalertwindowreg.pas(25): F2048 Bad unit format: 'advalertwindow.dcu' - Expected version: 25.0, Windows Unicode(x64) Found version: 25.0, Windows Unicode(x86)

No clue how to compile Delphi to create .a libs to link with bcc64 - No problems with C++ forms.

So TMS some support for C++11, which, unfortunately, is  only  available in the 64 bit compiler.


When you only have C++ and not Delphi, this is indeed problematic as you can't open the TMSDXE4.DPROJ file to change the target to 64bit. We'd suggest to change this target either with Notepad in this file and use MSBUILD to build the package, or if you're unable to do this, contact us by email to request a package file where target is set to 64bit so you can perform the build on your machine.

Hello Bruno

Well, coming back 10 years, lets compile TMS like in the good old days ;-(. I follow your instructions, changed the *.dproj to Win64, in the *.dpk  removed ALL requires to  bdertl an to designide libraries. I was able to compile the projects and create the  tmsdXE4.a tmsexdXE4.a and tmsxlsdXE4.a ELF libraries.

For  tmsxlsdXE4.dproj got the error:
  Embarcadero Delphi for Win64 compiler version 25.0
  Copyright (c) 1983,2013 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
acgde.pas(28): error F1026: File not found: 'C: \TMS64\DesignIntf.dcu'
Done Building Project "C: \TMS64\tmsdedxe4.dproj" (build target(s)) --

For tmswizdxe4.dproj the error:
  Embarcadero Delphi for Win64 compiler version 25.0
  Copyright (c) 1983,2013 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
atbwizard.pas(27): error F1026: File not found: 'C: \TMS64\ToolsAPI.dcu'
Done Building Project "C: \TMS64\tmswizdxe4.dproj" (build target(s)) --

So after adding the correct paths to the 64 C++Builder environment, if I try to use one TMS components (available at design time in 64) with bcc64 I always get a link error ( any component even a TAdvPanel or TFolderDialog...)

c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\rad studio\11.0\Bin\CodeGear.Cpp.Targets(2751,5): error : Fatal: Unable to open file 'BDERTL.A'

Although the 'BDERTL' is not in any dependence in my project neither in the *dproj or *dpk use in compilation.

So bottom line. I does not work due to some hidden dependency on BDE...

I guess that TMS will have to create a new release with different  folders and projects ex:  BuilderXE4.Win32 and BuilderXE4.Win64 to take care of bcc64.

I clearly see that the cool stuff is on IOS, but you have to see that for C++Builder the bcc64 is not a niche for  few users that require 64 bits, but the only way to use C++11 with EMBT. Except those who use WinXP, all users of C++Builder that do not want to stay with a 10 years old language,  will likely use C++11, i.e. bcc64. So some support for C++11 with C++Builder would be appreciated.




are both design-time packages and as the IDE runs in 32bit only, these packages are not designed for and cannot be used in 64bit mode.

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