64 bit compile error

With RadStudio XE3, and TMS Component Pack,trying to compile the 64 bit version, the TMSDXE3.DPROJ does not compile because it can not find de required bdertl unit.
There is no bdertl unit in 64 bits folders.
what is happening?
any help would be appreciated.

Not sure why you need to compile the package itself to 64bit as the IDE uses the 32bit package only. But regardless, you can remove the reference to BDERTL from the package.

I'm not trying to install 64 bit packages in the IDE. I'm trying to generate 64bit applications with your controls and, as you tell in the article about using TMS Controls in 32 and 64 bit applications. I must compile some packages to obtain 64 bit packages and their related libraries.

Are you using a Delphi starter edition ?

RadStudio XE3 Professional

You do NOT need to compile the packages for 64bit. After you perform a standard installation of the components it is sufficient to switch your application target from Win32 to Win64 and the IDE will generate a Win64 EXE.  We do not see any issue with this.

If a problem persists, please indicate what component you drop on the form that causes a problem.
Also, are you using C++ as these use .a files but not Delphi.

I program in C++.

I suspect this is your problem:


Why *.a file are absent for TMS components?
For this reason it is not possible to use TMS packages for CBuilderXE3-CBuilderXE5

When you compile our TMS Component Pack packages for 64bit, it will generate the .A files.
General info + instructions to compile the packages for 64bit , especially for C++Builder users can be found here:

I recompiled using msbuild for CBuilderXE5, but when I tried to build simple application with one TAdvStrinGrid for X64 linker always is asking GDIPLUS.LIB, how can I fix this?

I suspect that there is a mixup of 32bit & 64bit HPP files on your system.

It would appear there is a 32bit AdvGDIP.hpp file around in the include path used for 64bit compilation. Please check this.