some bugs in TTIWOutlookBar and TTIWExchangeBar?

  1. i can't see the changes i make in TTIWOutlookBar at design time. it always looks the same.
    2. the font size of items and buttons are always the same, no matter what i change it to be.
    the styles however do change.
    3. button height doesn't change in design and also in runtime
    4. in the TTIWExchangeBar it's almost the opposite - it doesn't change anything in design time, but works fine in runtime.

    all these changes worked fine in WinXP-Delphi XE2-IW12, but not when i moved to Win7-Delphi XE5/6 IW14.0.34 not so long ago

    btw, any news on when we will be able to center the items of TTIWExchangeBar?


about #2 i meant in runtime  (sorry)


I haven't noticed any issues in design time in Delphi XE6 with IW 14.0.32.
The runtime issues you mentioned seem to be related to the HTML5 doctype definition that is now added automatically in IntraWeb apps in newer IntraWeb versions.
You can replace the doctype to avoid these issues in the ServerController.DocType property with "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">".
We'll have to investigate if the behavior of the TIWOutlookBar with HTML5 doctype can be improved in a future version.

Adding the possibility to center items in the TIWExchangeBar is on our feature-request list and we'll consider adding this feature when the next development round for TMS IntraWeb Component Pack starts.