TIWDatePicker not working in IE


i have a TIWDatePicker that i changed the days and months language, and some other visual setting in it.
the TIWDatePicker works fine in Firefox and chrome, but in IE it's only opening up, but i can't choose a day.

btw, can you make some of the things that only work in IE (grid lines etc), to work also in Firefox and chrom please?


i forgot to add that i work with Delphi XE2 update3, intraweb 12.1.26, and the tm's version is the latest (

I have retested this here but can't reproduce any of these problems.
The datepicker works fine in IE and I see the grid lines also working in FireFox and Chrome.
Was retested with Delphi XE2 Update 4 / hotfix 1 and latest TMS IntraWeb Components.

then maybe i changed some properties that prevent it ?
can you tell me please what properties can effect that (if any)?
or could it be a bug in Delphi XE2 update3 and/or intraweb 12.1.26 (the versions i currently use)


Rather than having us guess what this might be, please
1) test with a default TIWDatePicker on the form

2) if a problem persists, provide some sample source project with which we can reproduce the problem here

ok, so there is a bug after all...

i started a clean stand-alone intraweb project.

placed 1 TIWDatePicker - works fine in IE

place 1 clean TIWOutlookBar - the TIWDatePicker works fine in IE

added 1 panel to the outlookbar - TIWDatePicker works fine in IE

added another panel (2 total) - TIWDatePicker NOT working in IE...

it's the same with or without a region

the outlookbar work fine in firefox and chrome, but without the gridlines


We have been able to reproduce this and are investigating this issue.

This issue has now been fixed in the IWOutlookBar.
The update will be available with the next release of the TMS IW Component Pack.