Smart Setup 1.4 is now available

TMS Smart Setup 1.4 is now available for download or simply via tms self-update command.

Here are the release notes:

Version 1.4 (January, 2025)

  • New: tmsgui provides a "version history" popup menu option that displays the version history for the selected product. Request #24504.
  • New: tmsgui allows sorting the product list by clicking column heaers.
  • New: The YAML build definition now allows for defining registry keys to be created at install time.
  • Improved: tmsgui now displays error messages in a more intuitive way: the errors are displayed in a list box, and if a specific error is clicked, more details will be displayed in a text box below.
  • Improved: Better error message when uninstalling a product that was previously installed manually (without fetching from remote repository).
  • Improved: Better handling of products installed manually (without fetching from remote repository), it will properly handle if user tries to install the same product over the existing one.
  • Improved: The presence of $(PATH) macro in Delphi PATH environment variable override is now being checked. If not present, the BPL directory is added directly to the variable override. It avoids errors with "bad Delphi installations" like this: Error installing Flexcel for MacOS64 and MacOSArm64 on MacOS 14 Sonoma - #6 by adrian.
  • Fixed: Conditional defines used in the .dproj package are now being preserved and used when building them.
  • Fixed: uninstall command was rebuilding unrelated products. Now it's smarter and rebuilds only products affected by the uninstalled products.