ScrollAnimation in TAdvSmoothListBox


when using "ScrollToItem" an animation in TAdvSmoothListBox was started.
The next "Application.ProcessMessages()" stops my App for about 400 ms.
I want some checks to be done in my software and the ListBox should show
how many checks are done yet.
To allow the user to know the actual state I scroll to the item which stands for
the corresponding check. This looks nice but the scroll-animation slows the
Software annoyingly down.
I try a little bit for myself and make the "FAnimate" variable visible by
an writeable (and readable) property. Then I set it to False direkt after
the "ScrollToItem". This way it scrolls quick to the actual item and it looks still good.

My question is: Can you change the behavior in any way? For example by change
"ScrollToItem(ItemIndex: integer);" to
"ScrollToItem(ItemIndex: integer; const bWithAnimate : Boolean = True);".
I don't think that it would be a good idea to declare it public like I do,
because there WOULD be errors for sure in some unknown cases.

Or maybe there is another way of disabling the time-eating-animation I don't know.

Thanks for reading so far and I wish you a nice day.

Greetings from germany
  Gerit Freericks 


You can set the SpeedFactor property to 0, which will disable all animation during scrolling


when I try to set it to 0 it was set to 1 instead ...
a closer look showed that there is a division, so 0 would not be good.
I'm curious, because I'm so sure that I checked every single property twice
but now it worked the way I want it to work, so ... thanks a lot!

Greetings from germany
  Gerit Freericks


It internally checks if the value is lower than 0, otherwise it would indeed result in a division by zero