Scroll direction of mouse wheel problem in FmxGrid

I got problem about scroll direction of mouse wheel on "TTMSFMXGrid".
In Windows, it works correctly.
But in Mac OS X, the direction is reverse with system setting.
I'm using the latest version of TMS FMX UI pack (v3.5.2.1).

IDE: C++ Builder Berlin 10.1 Update 2
Mac OS: Sierra v10.12.3


The scrolling behavior is identical to TGrid, so when we test this here on macOS with RAD Studio 10 Berlin Update 2, the scrolling behavior is the same. When using the mousewheel down the grid scrolls down and vice versa. Are you able to reproduce the same behavior on TGrid?

Sorry, I got confused on the scroll direction on mac OS. I have Grid and Memo on my project. So...

It is somwthing wrong in TMS FMX Memo. 
I got the information about the fix in another post:
But I don't know how to compile the code by myself to fix this issue.


We have meanwhile fixed this here and will release an update this week.

Pieter Scheldeman2017-03-13 11:10:41