Recurrence items with TAdvGCalendar


I'm using the TAdvGCalendar to access the Google Calendar API v3. 

When I try to access recurring events, I get each single calculated recurrence instance but not the recurrence rule by itself.

I did some research and recognised that within the Calendar API it's also possible the get a single event with the "RRULE" and the exceptions, not every instance of the recurrence. The Parameter is "singleEvent". (see

How can I switch to this mode of the API?

Best regards,


To retrieve the parent item separately you can use the RecurringID property value of one of the instances as the ItemID parameter for the GetItemById call.

Please have a look at the following KB entry for detailed information:
So, if i want to get a list of all futher events, i always get every instance of a recurrence? Even if the API offers an other mode?

I did a little bit of research in your sources and find out, that only one line of code need to be changed to make this switchable:

In the CloudCustomGCalendar - Unit in the "TAdvCustomGCalendar.GetCalendarInt" procedure 
you only have to change the sinlgeevent - property in the API - Call to false. It wouldn't be a big deal to add a parameter or property to control this behavior.

Best Regards

Thank you for your suggestion.
We'll consider adding the functionality to switch to the other mode in a future version of the TAdvGCalendar.