TAdvGCalendar Add C++

Can you post an example of a C++ call for adding a new GCalendarItem to the GAdvCalendar? 

My C++ code is:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool __fastcall TfrmGCalendar::ProcessItem(TObject *Sender,
    TAdvGCalendar *calMain, int iCalIndex, TGCalendarItem *li,
    TCalItem *ciCurrent, AnsiString sCommand) {
    // this function takes a GCalItem passed in and adds, edits, or deletes it from the list
    // call list refresh after this.
    bool bSuccess = false;
    UnicodeString sCurrID = "";

   if (sCommand == "Insert") {
        li = calMain->Items->Add();
        li = SetCalendarItem(calMain, iCalIndex, li, ciCurrent);
       //li has data in it right here
        li->CalendarID = calMain->Calendars->operator->ID;
        sCurrID = li->ID;
        bool bSuccess = true;

    return bSuccess;

After I uncommented   OutputDebugString(pchar('ITEM LIST ' + strRes));  in the
procedure TAdvCustomGCalendar.Add(Item: TGCalendarItem);

I get this error:

 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "global",
    "reason": "parseError",
    "message": "Parse Error"
  "code": 400,
  "message": "Parse Error"

How SHOULD this item be passed in?

An issue slipped in the last release. We fixed this meanwhile and will release an update as soon as possible that will address this.