Rasberry PI 4 Camera

Is there a particular reason I can not get access to the raspberry pi camera? My Miletus app cannot capture images in Raspberry Pi, but the windows build does capture images using the USB Camera.

Any assistance will be appreciated.


At the time of implementation access to camera and microphone was not supported at WebKitGTK level. On your Raspberry Pi if you open the developer tools via View > Toggle developer tools then you'll most likely see an error that mentions navigator.getUserMedia is undefined.

We'll take a look to see if anything has changed in the meantime regarding to supporting camera access.

Thanks for the update!

Any new development as to camera and mic support in Miletus for Raspberry Pi ?
Kind regards

We've added it on our todolist to recheck the situation on the GTK 4 based WebKitGTK browser.

Thanks for the update.


We implemented some changes to get the camera working and this will be part of the release.

From now on the minimal required version for WebKitGTK is 2.38 which contains the necessary API calls. While the minimum required version will be 2.38, in our tests we could not start the camera with that version. We had success with 2.42 but did not test anything in-between.

Today we made TMS WEB Core RC availalbe which should already contain the changes if you'd like to experiment with it.


Hi, TWebCamera has a problem with working on IOS 18 PWA. Is it Apple issue or not? When I open camera in the WEB Core PWA Application the camera fill the screen and I cannot press button on the page because the camera covers the entire TMS Web Core page/form :smile:

It is strange ... because when I go to the page https://whatpwacando.today
and install the PWA on iPhone ... the camera feature is working correctly.
Can you @Tunde check this please ... maybe it is some issue in TWebCamera TMS implementation?

You can see on attached movie how it works in my TMS Web Core PWA App.


Normally this happens if the playsinline attribute is missing from the video element but we are adding it automatically when the element is created.

Until I can get this checked on a device running iOS 18, can you let me know the following:

  • Was it working before? Maybe something changed between versions that we'll need to research.
  • In your video, are you using some sort of template for positioning the TWebCamera? If that template is missing the playsinline attribute, it could be the cause.

ad 1 : no I have the same issue with camera in PWA from IOS 17.1 when I added this feature to the application

ad 2: In template I add camera element like this and from dev tools I see that finally is renedered like this

<video id="cameraplacedoc" style=""></video> 

Should I Add to the template video tag like this ?

<video playsinline id="cameraplacedoc" style=""></video>

Yes, the second line should be the correct one to make it iOS compatible.

Yeah ... It works ... thank you @Tunde ... you are the best :smile:


Indeed, @Tunde is the best :muscle:

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@brunofierens too :smile:

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I will be testing today. Will give feedback ASAP.

Kind Regards

Apparently, I don't have access to the RC build.

If you have an active registration to TMS WEB Core, which I assume since you have write access to this support center category, you can download v2.6.0.0 RC from your My Products page on our website.

I still don't have access. All I have is the BETA

The last released beta you can download is the RC.

Thanks for the update