"Out of system resources" loading a form into the D11.1 IDE when AlignWithMargins is True.

I've encountered an issue while updating for Delphi 11 where a TAdvPanel with AlignWithMargins set to true at design time is related to an "out of system resources" error while loading the unit into the IDE.

It seems to be a very particular set of requirements, which I have boiled down to a simple demo unit.

To reproduce

  • Delphi 11.1 Alexandria
  • TMS VCL UI Pack
  • Load the included project and unit into the IDE.
  • Change the AlignWithMargin property of Panel3 to True and Save
  • Close the Unit and reopen it.

You should get an error like:

Demo project and unit.
TAdvPanel_AlignWithMargins.zip (6.7 KB)

Did you verify the equivalent setup with standard VCL controls TPanel, TGroupBox?

We implemented a fix for this issue. This will be in the next update.

Thanks for your quick response.