
I'm not able to access the newsgroups.  I don't access them very often, so I typically have to update the authentication information.  However, I have updated it and I still can't get in.  I've closed the newsreader and re-opened it and still can't get them.  I'm using XanaNews and it tells me access restriction or permission denied.

Is anyone else able to access the groups today?


We are not aware of a problem with the newsgroup server. Make sure there is no additional space in front or after the username/password.

Thanks Nancy.  Although I tried three times yesterday, and was very methodical on the last attempt, I could not get connected.

I reset the password once again today, and now I'm able to connect.  Who knows what I was doing yesterday.  :(

Thanks again for confirming there wasn't a known issue with the groups.

Is it still possible to access the forum via NNTP/XanaNews?  I had a look around but was unable to come up with the server name.

Please see newsserver  server & account information under "My support" after login on our website.

Thank you.


since about 3 days i have the same problem.

I checked the username and the password twice and they are OK. A ping to the newsservers IP address is successful but i am not able to connect.

Any advice?

server was replaced, please be patient till new IP propagates DNS servers


just for the files: Newsgroup access is working again!
