TMS Subscription Manager


My Subscription Manager is giving me the following message for the
past two days.

   "Error connecting to server. Please retry." 

I could login using the website and see "My Products" but the Subscription
Manager refuses to connect. The version is Do I need a new version?


We are aware of this issue and we have already notified server admins. We hope that later today this issue will be fixed. 

Sorry for this inconvenience. 

Kind regards,

Nancy Lescouhier

Thanks Nancy!

Hi Nancy,

Any updates on this? I am still unable to login via Subscription Manager.

Last news is that the server seems not repairable and needs to be replaced and work on this has started.

Hi Bruno,

Thanks! I will try again next week. Hopefully, it will be up by then.


I really hope it will be up earlier (if only for my own sanity)

According to our tests, TMS Subscription Manager is now operational again.