Module not found


i installed TMS WebGMaps. The setup-process seemed successful.
But, when i start Delphi, i receive the following message:

[Window Title]

Package C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\18.0\Bpl\TMSWebGMapsPkgDEDXE10.bpl kann nicht geladen werden.
Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.
Soll dieses Package beim Laden des n?chsten Projekts geladen werden?

[Ja] [Nein]

Can you help me?


Something must have gone wrong with invoking the compiler from our install script. Please contact us by email and provide the installer log file (generated under \My Documents) so we can inspect what exactly went wrong.

I found the solution.

The Unit Scope Names (vlc, vlc.imaging, etc) where not set in TMSWebGMapsPkgDEDXE10 in the release-configuration of the project. In the debug-configuration it was set.

This caused a error while compiling UWebGMaps.pas:
  UWebGMaps.pas(27): error F2613: Unit 'OleCtrls' nicht gefunden.

I added the scope names to the release-configuration and recompiled the project.

Now everthings workes fine.


Thank you for notifying us.
The issue has now been fixed and the update will be included with the next release of TMS VCL WebGMaps.