Miletus and Electron demo: CodeEditor shows Errors on start

Testing the CodeEditor Sample from the Miletus Demos, I get an error on start:

Uncaught ReferenceError: ace is not defined | ReferenceError: ace is not defined at Object.InitializeKeyWords (http://localhost:23952/CodeEditor.js:46237:27) at Object.EndUpdate (http://localhost:23952/CodeEditor.js:46195:12) at Object.AfterLoadDFMValues (http://localhost:23952/CodeEditor.js:13094:12) at Object.LoadDFMValues (http://localhost:23952/CodeEditor.js:47097:29) at Object.DoCreate (http://localhost:23952/CodeEditor.js:37727:12) at Object.Create$5 (http://localhost:23952/CodeEditor.js:38187:12) at Object.c.$create (http://localhost:23952/CodeEditor.js:328:19) at DoStatusCreate (http://localhost:23952/CodeEditor.js:39388:32) at XMLHttpRequest.cb (http://localhost:23952/CodeEditor.js:256:21)
at http://localhost:23952/CodeEditor.js [259:48]

The File CodeEditor.js seems not to be generated, I don't see it in the src-folder

With the CodeEditor-Demo from the Electron-Folder, I get:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'EOL' of null | TypeError: Cannot read property 'EOL' of null
at file:///C:/Programme32/tmssoftware/TMS%20WEB%20Core%20RSXE13/Demos/Electron/CodeEditor/TMSWeb/Debug/TMSWeb_ElectronCodeEditor.js [151:9]

and the TMSWeb_ElectronCodeEditor.js is not present in the folder from the error-message


Thank you for your report. We have been able to reproduce the issue and we are investigating it.