Memo Field / MemoInspectorEditLink / DBInspectorBar - are they compatible ?

In DBInspectorBarDemo "as is", I can't edit/save the contents of the memo field Pay_Notes.

And how could I use a MemoInspectorEditLink with a DBInspectorBar? I also tried to use it in the DBInspectorBarDemo, with the same field Pay_Notes, but the memo dropdown does not show. Instead, it shows something like a combobox with a down arraw button on the right.

Does it need some kind of special event treatment to work with memo fields within this component?

I had no problems using the MemoInspectorEditLink on a "non-DB" InspectorBar.

The editing capabilities via the MemoInspectorEditLink should not different between the TInspectorBar vs TDBInspectorBar.
What field type is connected? Do you see the value as text already appear in the connected TDBInspectorBar item?


When I use the demo, this field content just shows " (Memo) ". The Item comes configured as ptText. I can edit, but it is not saved after clicking the post button.
The filed is a TMemoField (Pay_Notes). I'm talking about the demo DBInspectorBarDemo project as is.

When I try to use the MemoInspectorEditLink, I change it to ptCustom, and it neither works.

We investigated this and saw an issue when using TMemoInspectorEditLink.
We applied improvements and can confirm these will be included in the next scheduled release.