Labels: Possibility to interact with map when on labels, possibility to move labels "to the back"

I just tried out the labels being able to be located within bounds and they work as expected with some limitations for my use case: I wanted to use the labels to contain images which represent construction plans. And on top of these plans I'd like the user to be able to mark certain points for planning purposes.
So I would need markers and polygons to be able to be displayed on top of these plans (labels) and I'd need the user to be able to interact with the map (panning, clicking, double clicking etc) when the cursor is on top of a label.
I assume that labels are not originally intended to work like this, but I'd still like to ask if there are ways to enable these:
A) markers and polygons on top of labels
B) map interaction possible when cursor is on top of a label.

The latter is possible with the google maps implementation of MapOverlay.



Please note that Labels are a custom layer of HTML/CSS that is placed on top of the map. Unfortunately this means it is currently not supported to display map elements on top of the Labels layer or interact with the map in locations where Labels are displayed.

However this is a good suggestion and we'll consider these features for a future version.

Ok, thanks! That's what I feared would be the answer.

Most probably you would have mentioned already if there was a fitting approach, I'd still like to ask: would you have any suggestion how to solve my task with the means currently available?
My next idea would be trying to use the google overlay functionality as it appears to support the desired behavior already. However, it appears suboptimal to have both openlayers and google maps instances side by side for that reason...
Another idea I have not followed closer and seems somehow farfetched would be to actually provide the imagery via some custom mapping service (mock?) so that the map would interprete it the way it should naturally do as map data... but I am not aware of any reasonable ways to integrate (set up local mapping server etc., provide URL to map, provide an interface to upload and georeference images , ...

Any comments would be much appreciated! Thank you!


We'll discuss this here and see what is possible. For now, you'll have to create 2 instances, one for TTMSFNCOpenLayers, and one for TTMSFNCGoogleMaps. There is currently no workaround.


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