IWDBAdvWebGrid ShowFind

This button in the controller not work, never match, can you help me?


I have not been able to reproduce an issue with the ShowFind button.

Please note that there are two possible techniques to use this button:
1) OnFind/OnAsyncFind event is not assigned:
Search is performed automatically at client-side. If a matching text is found, the cell that contains the text is highlighted using the SelectColor and SelectFontColor settings.

2) OnFind/OnAsyncFind event is assigned:
The keyword is transferred to server-side and search should be performed manually through code in the OnFind/OnAsyncFind event.

If the problem persists, please provide the following information:
- IntraWeb version you are using
- Browser you are using
- Are you seeing any error messages?
- Exact steps to reproduce the issue. How are you using the ShowFind button?