DBAdvGrid FindNext

after upgrading our DbAdvGrid from version to version there is a different behavior when using the FindNext method.
Before, if no more result were found, the active cell would not change. Now if there is no more result found, the dataset record changes to the last record.

We are using Delphi 7.
To reproduce:
- Bind a DbAdvGrid to a datasource,
- Do a FindFirst('sometext', []) on the grid. 'sometext' must be found at least once or the dataset won't change record and you wil not see the problem.
- Do a FindNext on the Grid until no other match is found. When no other match is found for 'sometext' the grid will stay on current record with old grid version and grid will move to last record with recent grid version.

Can you explain how I can get the old behavior back please?


We traced & fixed this issue. The next update will address this.