I encountered an issue while installing TMS libraries/packages using TMS Smart Setup. Specifically, after installing the TMS MQTT package, I noticed that I am unable to compile for any platform other than Win32. It appears that the necessary files for other platforms do not exist in the packages folder.
Is there a workaround for this? I attempted to rebuild the package through TMS Smart Setup, but it didn't resolve the issue. Should I open the project manually, add the platforms, and attempt to build it myself?
The package TMSMQTTPkgDE.dproj is for design-time only , so it is normal this is only for the Win32 target.
TMSMQTTPkg.dproj should compile for all IDE supported targets. Can you try to compile this package for the different targets directly from the IDE?
i did the steps you said and like you assumed it worked.
Other libraries/packages have these different target folders i assume they already compiled all the platforms.