Hello dear TMS-team!
I want to report an issue with "removeRows" after drag and drop between two AdvStringGrids:
this results reproduceable into "index out of range".
For a test, please take your demo "asg28", first tab "Row drag && drop mode" and place
there a button. In "onClick" i.e.: AdvStringGrid2.RemoveRows( 2,1);
Start the programm.
Test 1: press the button -> row 2 is removed correctly.
Test 2: now drag one row from the left grid to the right.
Afterwards press the button. This results in an IndexOutOfRange-Expection.
It works correct, if the user clicks into the right grid first.
In my application I have to remove duplicate lines automatically after d&d.
Do you have a workaround or other hints?
best regards,
Thanks for reporting. We traced & solved this issue. The next update will address this.
Thank you, Bruno!
Hello development team,
thank you for fixing this!!!