Issue with AdvNavBar and RemovePanel

Hello dear TMS Team!

I've found an issue within AdvNavBar and non visible panels and method removePanel.
(Delphi XE2, VCL Compontent Pack 7.4.2., Win 7)

Please use the following scenario:

- Place a AdvNavBar with several AdvNavBarPanels on a form.

- hide one or more panels (at runtime) with
  navbar.Panels[ xyz ].TabVisible := FALSE;

- use afterwards
  navbar.RemovePanel( xyz );

This works but the last visibel panel (panel with highest panel-index)
disappears from the navBar...

Maybe it sounds strange to do so.
In my program exists about 10 panels which are shown/hidden/removed
depending on user rights.

I've got a work around by first set panel.visible = true and
remove it afterwards.

Best regards,

We have traced & solved this issue. The next update will address this.

Hello Bruno!

Fine, thank you!

Cheers, Frank