Issue exporting TPlanner to pdf (using TAdvPlannerPDFIO) when in plHalfDayPeriod mode

When trying to export to pdf using TAdvPlannerPDFIO, everything appears ok except when mode is set to plHalfDayPeriod. In this case the sidebar renders incorrectly, with date strings being duplicated and the first one appearing "above" the sidebar. Replicated in TMS Demos (plandemo in demo1) . See attached
test.pdf (411.6 KB)

We fixed this issue. The next update will address this.

Excellent. Thanks for the fast response.

Hi Bruno, I have just updated to VCLUIPack and this problem seems to persist. I have again tested using one of the demos (demo 33 - Demo showing PDF Export) and when the TPlanner mode is set to plHalfDayPeriod, the sidebar still renders incorrectly, with date strings being duplicated and the first one appearing "above" the sidebar (See attached pdf output from demo 33)
PlannerExport.pdf (315.5 KB)

We applied further improvements. The next update will address this.