I made a little refinement in the AdvPDFViewer demo app

Dear Bruno and TMS team!

I made a little refinement in the AdvPDFViewer demo. At start and loading page 1 the footer wasn't shown. I'm inserted the following procedure at the OnPageLoaded event:

procedure TForm22.AdvPDFViewer1PageLoaded(Sender: TObject; APageIndex: Integer);
  if APageIndex = 0 then
    AdvPDFViewer1.Options.Footer := 'Page ' + (APageIndex + 1).ToString + ' loaded.';

At start the App looks like the screenshot and the app works as designed by the rest of the program logic.

If you wish and think in a next minor release of the VCL UI pack you can insert this little "fix" for your AdvPDFViewer demo app.

Hi Thorsten,
thanks for the hint. We'll investigate here & report back!