Problems with the new BETA


after updating WebCore to the latest BETA, i get the following js errors in chrome console and also in the 'webcore errorlog output':

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '3' in undefined
    at Object.HandleDoMouseMove (WEBLib.Controls.pas:2748)
    at cb (rtl.js:217)

i get the same for HandleDoMouseDown, HandleDoClick etc.

 I tried:
  1. clean project with deleting all content from output folder
  2. clear browser cache
  3. restart delphi
  4. restart chrome
  5. restart maschine
please help
How *exactly* can this be reproduced?
I couldn't see this in demos we run & test here.

try the music demo with authentication:

1. login as user or admin
2. have a look in the tables
3. logout(maybe the problem happens already here)
4. login again

-> if you move the mouse over any element, the error occurs

this is the error output from the webcore log:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '3' in undefined | TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '3' in undefined at Object.HandleDoMouseMove (http://localhost:7676/mmm/core/app/devWebApp.js:6349:13) at cb (http://localhost:7676/mmm/core/app/devWebApp.js:222:26)
at http://localhost:7676/mmm/core/app/devWebApp.js [6349:13]

We will retest this particular demo.


i found out something:
  1. after the update to the BETA version, cleaning the project and recompile, the index.html file of the webapp was broken: -> some script&css tags were placed in the body(i know, normally not a problem) with a wrong order
  2. a mistake by me: during design time i activated the xdata connection on one form, but i didnt deactivated it ... after i reopened the form in delphi, the connection was closed automatically
after this changes, the webapp starts without the errors, login works fine, also browsing through the app, but the problem occurs again, when logging out and also when logging in again.

When i refresh the browser tab, the error is gone...

So, i think there must be a faulty js script, which causes this error...

i will remove all my additional scripts to check if the error is caused by me ;) 

I have retested this demo here but I could not see any problem with multiple login/logout sequences.

Could you make sure you have the latest version of the demo and a clean/unchanged version? With the latest version of TMS XData and this music demo and TMS WEB Core (beta update today) there should not be an issue.

I have checked the latest version and the initial problem seems to be gone ;)

But there is now another issue in the demo. Have a look at this video:

I have had that issue 'not a child of this node' on previous versions, just assumed it was me doing something wrong :-)

We can see the issue and we are investigating.

Hello Bruno,

if i use the xdata webapplication generator, the initial problem is still present.

I start with a new project by generating a new webapplication. 
I had to uncomment all authentication functions in the generated project(of course) and the problem comes again. (Note: there is no additional code from my side)

So I tried to find out the differences between the music demo and the autogenerated project:

The commented code in application generated by the XData Web Application wizard should not be uncommented. It's commented because it doesn't work yet, it's only to give some guidance to the user.

We're investigating the original issue, which is the remaining left menu even when the user logs out from the application.