Installation of FexCell

I get an error in Installation of latest Flexcell, does anyone has same problems?

<!--if gte mso 9>

----Build started--------------------------------------------
msbuild.exe "C:\RAD Studio\VCL\TMS\FlexCelVCLNT\Packages\dXE7\FlexCel_Core.dproj" "/target:Make" "/p:config=Release" "/p:Platform=Win64"   
Microsoft (R)-Buildmodul, Version 3.5.30729.7903
[Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 2.0.50727.8009]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2007. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Build started 10.12.2014 09:53:52.
Project "C:\RAD Studio\VCL\TMS\FlexCelVCLNT\Packages\dXE7\FlexCel_Core.dproj" on node 0 (Make target(s)).
  Embarcadero Delphi fr Win64 Compiler-Version 28.0
  Copyright (c) 1983,2014 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
FlexCel_Core.dpk(32): error E2202: Package 'rtl' wird ben”tigt, konnte aber nicht gefunden werden
Done Building Project "C:\RAD Studio\VCL\TMS\FlexCelVCLNT\Packages\dXE7\FlexCel_Core.dproj" (Make target(s)) -- FAILED.


"C:\RAD Studio\VCL\TMS\FlexCelVCLNT\Packages\dXE7\FlexCel_Core.dproj" (Make target) (1) ->
(_PasCoreCompile target) ->
  FlexCel_Core.dpk(32): error E2202: Package 'rtl' wird ben”tigt, konnte aber nicht gefunden werden

    0 Warning(s)
    1 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:00.64

This was (i think) solved by direct email, but for everyone else who might have a similar problem and arrive to this post: Whenever you get an "rtl not found" error, this normally means that the delphi library path has gotten corrupt.

the first 3 entries in the library path (both in 32 bit and 64 bit) should be:

If they aren't, then you need to add them. The problem is that delphi makes them gray (as if they were invalid paths) and even worse, if you ever press the "Delete Invalid Paths" button in te library path dialog, Delphi will happily remove those paths and rad studio will stop working. So you need to be sure to never press that button.