Indexeddb Demo

I am not able to compile Indexeddb example with the latest version of web core

Compile or run? If you expect advice, we need the error message as it works fine here.

This error is at compile time
[dcc32 Fatal Error] Unit1.pas(8): F2613 Unit 'WEBLib.JsonData' not found.
I uninstalled and reinstalled webcore . I am still getting this error

Do you have \TMS Web Core RSXE12\Component Library Source in library path?

WEBLib.JsonData.pas is a unit that is in your TMS WEB Core "Core Source" folder and this folder should be in your TMS WEB Core library path (where all framework related units are located).
Please verify you have this file in this folder and that this folder is in your TMS WEB Core library path (Tools, Options, TMS Web, Library Path

I again uninstalled , deleted the webcore folder and reinstalled. The three paths are added to the Lib path.In the win32 folder weblib.Jason.dcu is present but not weblib.Jasondata.dcu
If the Core source folder is added to the lib path there are too many compilation errors (65). I just added the weblib.jason.pas to the win32 folder and this too gave around 9 errors. This is not a show stopper for me.

The Core Source folder should be added to the TMS WEB Core library path, NOT to the Win32 library path.