When are you going to increase your downloadspeed?
At the moment it takes about 30 minutes to upgrade just the TMS Component Pack (including the help files).
TMS Component Pack = 70MB, Helpfiles = 50MB, total = 120MB
To just download these files, it takes more than 22 minutes!!!
These are downloadspeeds of 10 years ago, but with todays bandwidths, this should not take more than a minute or two.
Please consider an upgrade of your internetconnection.
Regards, Paul
Work on this has already started.
You'll notice that downloads of trials/manuals like from page http://www.tmssoftware.com/site/advsmoothcontrols.asp is already significantly faster.
Handling of registered user downloads is significantly more complex though and is work in progress to migrate this to this new faster server as well.
Handling of registered user downloads is significantly more complex though and is work in progress to migrate this to this new faster server as well.
Hello Bruno,
last visited in October and today downloaded updates for registered products.
Wow, congratulations! The download speed is now amazingly fast! With my 150MBit connection it's almost instantly by the time I've selected the download folder. :)
Thank you so much!
Thanks for confirming. Yes, we are halfway of server migrations. We hope by the end of the year all services will be migrated to new servers and overall, everything will be significantly faster.