my problem regarding redirect uri, if put in Google console 0auth 2.0 client ID
Authorized JavaScript origins field as http://localhost:8000 and the same in Authorized redirect URIs, i did not get user email
I'm not sure what exact error you experience.
Do you see errors in the browser console? If so, what errors?
No errors in browser console,
When i press (signin with google) button it show me Google sign in window to select the email ,so when i select my email the websignin component ongooglesignub event not trigger.
Is there is any settings must be done ?
Also when i use signin TMS sample in folder demo/services/signin with my AppKey from google console with localhost:8000 in redirect url sample didn't trigger onsigningoogle event.
How can i modify the sample to work with my appkey?
For our demo, we had set the authorized redirect URI to
http://localhost:8000/TMSWeb_SignIn/index.html and authorized JavaScript origins to http://localhost:8000