Getting APPCRASH with TMSFMXWebBroswer

I'm using Delphi XE7 Update 1 in Win 7 64bit and when closing my application I'm getting an APPCRASH in my application.

When I create the form in code and then open it and perform a "WebBrowser.LoadFile(FilePath);" everything works as expected but closing the application generates the APPCRASH. The variable FilePath points to an instance of TinyMCE. 

If I don't open the form containing the WebBrowser, no crash is generated. I have also installed FireFox and set it as the default browser. So it has happened with both IE 11 and FireFox 34.0.5. Has anyone else experienced this issue and how did you resolve it.


Did you create a Win32 or Win64 platform target application? If you open the application with an empty browser, are you able to close the second form if no URL is loaded? Additionally, can you destroy the browser in a button click separately before closing the form for testing purposes?

Kind Regards, 

I'm targeting Win32. 

1) Opening the second form with an empty browser still results in the APPCRASH.
2) Performing WebBrowser.Free in a button click before closing the form makes everything work as expected - for either the empty browser or the browser with a file loaded.
3) Performing WebBrowser.Free in either the form FormClose or FormCloseQuery results in the APPCRASH.

Is there anything else you would like me to try?


Are you able to reproduce this appcrash by navigating to an URL? We are using the CEF1 implementation for technical reasons. It might be possible that this issue is fixed in a newer version of CEF, such as CEF3.

Kind Regards, 

Pieter Scheldeman2014-12-10 09:06:27

Using WebBrowser.URL := ''; still gives me the appcrash. 

I ran in debug in the IDE and when it gave me the option to break, here's the routine the IDE went to:
function cef_client_get_life_span_handler(self: PCefClient): PCefLifeSpanHandler; stdcall;
  with TCefClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
    Result := CefGetData(GetLifeSpanHandler);

The line the IDE was positioned on was the Result := CefGetData(GetLifeSpanHandler);

The routine was in ceflib. I forgot to mention that.

We have tested this here loading a local html file but are unable to reproduce the crash.

Can you send us a sample that demonstrates this so we can investigate here?

Kind Regards, 

Could you email me a link to upload the project and the needed data files to? 

Is it possible to just zip it and send it by email?

Only a test application which demonstrates the app crash is sufficient.

Kind Regards, 

Please try to isolate this issue in a new project so we can investigate this here. We have opened the Editor.html file with tinymce in a separate window but could not reproduce this application crash.

Kind Regards, 


Feel free to consider this issue closed for me. I've been working with the new FMXRichEditor and it does exactly what I was trying to accomplish with TinyMCE. 

The FMXRichEditor is a great addition!


Thank you for your feedback !