Get back functionality and look for SearchEdit


I'm using the FMXSearchEdit button, because where is a Magnifying glass and a delete cross.

How can I get this with the FNC version?

Or is there a way to install the FMX Version again?



Right now, the search edit is not available in FNC, but we are currently working on migrating missing components.


How can I use the old one?

The FNC was sold as the follower of FMX and I need to solve it today. (customer waits for the software).

I tried to install the Project from the FMX UI Pack. But I get errors during compiling (Delphi 12).

My old subsciption ended and I byed the complete package.



You open the Delphi 11 packages, compile and install them in Delphi 12.

I tried to compile the sources. But I got a lot of errors. :frowning:

I finally had time to tackle the problem again.

I did the following:

  • copied the folder to TMS FMX UI Pack D12
    (c:\Users...\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FMX UI Pack D12)
  • Replace with the one from Pieter's post
  • Open TMSFMXPackPkgDXE14.dproj and save as TMSFMXPackPkgDXE15.dproj
  • Open TMSFMXPackPkgDEDXE14.dproj and save as TMSFMXPackPkgDEDXE15.dproj (for German?)
  • replace 14 with 15 in all project files
  • compile, create, install
  • Add search path in Delphi under Tools

Now it works. Thanks again ;-)

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