TTMSFNCSearchEdit functionality

The last FMX UI Pack control that I need to convert so I can fully use the FNC UI Pack is the TTMSFMXSearchEdit control. However, the FNC version is totally different and doesn't work for my needs whatsoever. The FMX version both looks good and works simply. I like having the OnTyping event and the Clear button and its event, The FNC one has none of those..

Maybe rename the current FNC one to something different and port over the FMX one due to the FNC one being "not the same". Or vice-versa, calling the ported FMX one TMSFNCSearchEditLegacy.

Delphi 12.2

Thanks for the feedback, we'll investigate the possibilities.

Thanks, but I just broke down and replaced it with a TEdit control with a clear edit styled button placed inside. It has the events I needed. Good enough but not quite as pretty. :wink: