GeoJSON - Load from Web?

Since KML layers have a Google limitation of 1000 points or 10mb, let's say I have a file with 10,000 points and is larger than 10mb.

It would appear that the Google API does support loading a GeoJSON, but I cannot find IF there are any Google limits of the # of points or size of the file.

In FNC Maps, I do see LoadGeoJSON from stream, file, and text.

  1. If we hosted the .geojson file on the web, is there a way to get it from a URL?
  2. Can you load more than one set of geojson data at a time? It doesn't appear you can in the implementation.
  3. Any other suggestions for displaying a file with a large set of points (beyond breaking down to multiple KML layers)?



  1. Unfortunately there's currently no built in functionality available to load a GeoJSON file from a URL.
    However, this is a good suggestion and we'll investigate if this can be added in the future.

  2. Yes, you can do multiple calls to LoadGeoJSON with different data and all data should be displayed on the map simultaneously.

  3. Using GeoJSON or GPX files with LoadGeoJSON or LoadGPX is the recommended way to display large sets of points.
    I'm not aware of points size limitations in the Google Maps API but we have not yet tested with the amount of points you are suggesting.

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