I'm using version of the TTMSFNCDatePicker and Delphi 12 with Update 1.
I'm having a problem setting the Font size in a dynamically created TTMSFNCDatePicker. Even though I set the size to 9, if I set the Editable property to True (which is what I want), it seems to re-adjust the font size of the displayed date back to 8.
I see this same behavior when adding the component to a form, although it re-adjusts to the proper font size when I close and re-open the form. How can I force the font size of the displayed date in the dynamically created control to the correct font size?
I'm also noticing that when I try to set various other properties of the dynamically created control to the same value as a design time created TTMSFNCDatePicker control, they to not appear to affect the dynamically created control. For example: