Incorrect display with large font sizes

I use a TTMSFNCDatePicker component.
If I use a small font size, it looks great, but if I change the font size to 36, for example, the content of the calendar box is no longer legible.
I need such a large font size because the programme runs on a large monitor and the input has to be done with the finger.

If I interpret it correctly, the box size does not scale.
Is this a bug in the component or how can I adjust the size?

Best regards

ok, I've found it.
It's the DropdownHeight and DropDownWidth properties and many more until it finally fits.

It's nice that you can customise a lot of things, but in this case it feels like there are 1000 possibilities. Sometimes less would be more ;-)

I am working with the following settings on my test system. What is not yet clear to me for what "BadgeSize" and "DateAppearance.BadgeFont.Size" are exactly responsible for.

(dpZwiBe = TMSFNCDatePicker)

  dpZwiBe.BadgeSize                         := 24;
  dpZwiBe.DateAppearance.BadgeFont.Size     := 24;
  dpZwiBe.DateAppearance.DateAfterFont.Size := 24;
  dpZwiBe.DateAppearance.DateAfterFont.Size := 24;
  dpZwiBe.DateAppearance.DisabledFont.Size  := 24;
  dpZwiBe.DateAppearance.Font.Size          := 24;
  dpZwiBe.DateAppearance.SelectedFont.Size  := 24;
  dpZwiBe.DateAppearance.TodayFont.Size     := 24;
  dpZwiBe.DayNameAppearance.Font.Size       := 18;
  dpZwiBe.DayNameAppearance.Height          := 60;
  dpZwiBe.DropDownHeight                    := 800;
  dpZwiBe.DropDownWidth                     := 1000;
  dpZwiBe.Editable                          := False;
  dpZwiBe.FirstDay                          := 2;
  dpZwiBe.Footer.Font.Size                  := 20;
  dpZwiBe.Footer.Height                     := 60;
  dpZwiBe.Header.Font.Size                  := 24;
  dpZwiBe.Header.Height                     := 100;
  dpZwiBe.Header.Visible                    := True;
  dpZwiBe.Interaction.SwipeOnHeader         := True;
  dpZwiBe.MaxDate                           := Now + 100;
  dpZwiBe.MinDate                           := Now;
  dpZwiBe.WeekNumberAppearance.Font.Size    := 16;
  dpZwiBe.WeekNumberAppearance.Visible      := True;


BadgeSize and BadgeFont.Size are related to showing badges/indicators on certain dates. You can find more information about it here: